Kym’s Recent Projects
I had the great fortune of helping the gifted cardiologist Arnold Meshkov M.D., co-edit his manuscript into this recently released groundbreaking expose in the world of heart attack history.
"Mary Loverde then collaborated with Kym Croft Miller MFA, and they both became my muses and editors for the last two years. I am incredibly indebted for their help. Without them, this book never would have taken form. Kym especially helped me to the finish line."
-Arnold Meshkov, MD
In this interactive workshop writing coach Kym Croft Miller taught 8 key tools needed to transform real world experiences into compelling written pieces. Storytelling is a vital part of reckoning with one’s experiences, broadening the minds of your audience, and resolving one’s own mission. Whether writing professionally, or from a personal travel experience, this workshop if focused on making your writing appeal to a wider audience.
This session was recorded on January 21st, 2021

I am a Portland-based writer, editor, and writing coach with over twenty years of freelance work in non-fiction, as well as my MFA in Creative Writing in fiction. When I’m geeking out, I like to google the latest grammar and punctuation videos! Check out my LinkedIn.